Daily life can get busy and sometimes hectic, which makes it even more important to prioritize self-care and relaxation. For some, it means a candlelit evening at home with a face mask and glass of wine. For others, it’s a refreshing soak in the tub with a sprinkling of CBD bath salts. Whatever your relaxation and self-care routine, we have 8 gift ideas to help you — or someone you love — rest, relax and refresh.

Find these, and other best self-care gifts amid our wide selection of luxurious products in the Whole Health Department of your local Market of Choice.

At-Home Facials

When you can put your best face forward, you feel confident enough to take on the world — or at least your world. That’s why facial care is a great start to a relaxing self-care routine. Here are a few of our favorite at-home facial treatments to check out.

  • evanhealy Green Tea Clay Mask & Lavender HydroSoul is full of antioxidants and helps to naturally detoxify and exfoliate skin, leaving you feeling clean, clear, light, refreshed and balanced.
  • Orgaid Facial Sheet Masks are organic, cruelty free and dermatologist made. Choose from three formulas designed for anti-aging and moisturizing, vitamin C and revitalizing, or firming and nourishing — or, try all three when you purchase their multi-pack.
  • Camamu has a new and exciting line of locally made facial care products that are totally spa-worthy. Check out their Facial Smoothie Moisturizer for silky smooth, light-as-air moisture.
  • Andalou 1000 Roses Lip Sugar Scrub is deliciously sweet, formulated with real fruit enzymes, and leaves lips smooth and conditioned. No facial is complete without a lip treatment.

Body Care Products to Care About

Exfoliating your skin is an easy, quick and effective way to feel refreshed. With the right treatment, your skin can go from dull to “hello, gorgeous” in minutes. Exfoliating removes the gunk and built up dirt, oil and bacteria that’s hiding beneath your pores. Who doesn’t love to get rid of a little gunk in their lives? Here are a few of our favorite scrubs and foot masks that will leave your skin feeling smoother, silkier and suppler than ever.

  • Worthy Salts Chocolate Sugar Scrub is locally made, and naturally and holistically formulated with therapeutic intent.
  • Weleda Skin Food’s original formula is the holy grail of moisturizers for dry, rough skin. It makes a super nourishing foot mask, too. Simply apply mask and cover with socks.

Soothe and Refresh

Relaxing your muscles and melting tension away is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental wellbeing. It could mean soaking in a tub with bath salts, a relaxing yoga practice or relaxing with heat therapy. There are many ways to relax your muscles and release tension after a long day. Here are a few of our favorite products for relaxation.

  • Inesscents bath soaks in Coconut Milk, Rose or CBD added bath salts, are made in Ashland, Oregon, with ethically sourced raw materials.
  • Ease Paks heat wraps are made locally in Eugene, Oregon. These are perfect for soothing sore shoulders and backs, and make a truly thoughtful self-care gift idea.

The Takeaway

We know that when life gets really hectic and the do-do lists are piling up, self-care can feel like a luxury you simply don’t have time for. But we’d like to remind you that taking time out to care for yourself is the most important task on your to-do list. Self-care is like recharging your batteries so you can be more productive in the long-run. Try out a few of our favorite self-care products, or give them to someone you care about as a premium-quality self-care gift.

Published On: April 24th, 2024

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