CBD Benefits

With the growth, sale and use of cannabis legalized within certain guidelines in Oregon, a wide variety of cannabis-related products are now available to Oregon consumers. With changes to state laws, the use of CBD as a wellness supplement has greatly increased.

At Market of Choice, we carry several products containing the non-psychoactive CBD, or cannabidiol, one of the more than 100 cannabinoids within the cannabis plant. Many proponents of CBD believe that it can help relieve symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression, among other benefits. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD oral solution for the treatment of epileptic seizures in 2018.

CBD, not THC

The two kinds of cannabis plants most commonly grown in the United States, and from which CBD is derived, are hemp and marijuana. Since 2018, hemp has been legal to grow in the U.S., when the federal government reclassified it as a legitimate crop to cultivate and distribute.

Unlike marijuana, which is still federally classified as a Schedule 1 drug, hemp does not produce a significant amount (less than 0.3%) of the cannabinoid THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary part of the cannabis plant that produces a psychoactive high.

Because of this distinction, hemp-derived CBD products are legal on the federal level and pose no legal risk to retailers who sell them. Marijuana-derived CBD products, however, are illegal on the federal level even if they are considered legal under some state laws.

In Oregon, the source of CBD in each product must be labeled either hemp or marijuana. All CBD products are tested in a third-party lab to ensure that they are legally below the 0.3% limit of THC. You must be 18 or older to purchase hemp-derived CBD products and 21 and older to buy marijuana-derived CBD products.

From tinctures to chocolates

CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers. From there, it is processed as either full-spectrum CBD or as a CBD isolate. Full-spectrum CBD contains other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, while CBD isolates contain only CBD.

Some of the CBD products found at your Market of Choice include tinctures and oils. Tinctures are alcohol-based extracts, while oils simply dilute extracted CBD in a base oil, such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil.

Hemp-based CBD extracts are added to lotions and salves, beverages, or even chocolate bars. Here are some of the many CBD products you’ll find on our shelves, depending on the store location.

CBD Beverages:
Ablis Infusions
Aurora Sparkling Beverages
Copa Sparkling Waters
Mirth Provisions Sparking Tonics
Otto’s CBD Cider
Wyld Sparkling Waters
Rogue Seltzers & Mixers
Vybes Beverages
Sati Sodas

Whole Health CBD Products:
Entangled Biome Health & Wellness
Garden of Life Supplements
Inesscents Salvation Skin Care
Suzi’s Hemp Care

Ask one of our teammates about the CBD products available at your Market.

Sources and suggested links:
Medical News Today
The Mayo Clinic
Cannabis Laws in Oregon

Published On: October 12th, 2021

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