Making your own soaps, hair and skincare products can be a fun and fulfilling hobby, as well as the best way to ensure that what you put on your body is made from natural ingredients. At Market of Choice, we not only sell a range of Whole Health products, but also everyday items that can be used to make DIY products to keep you clean and beautiful, naturally.

Hand and Body Soap

Castile Soap + Essential Oils – Dilute castile soap to desired level, such as 1-part soap to 4-parts water. The more diluted, the less sudsy the soap will be. Add 10-20 drops essential oil, like lemon or tea tree oil.


Castile Soap + Coconut Milk + Essential Oils: Dilute castile soap with water, such as 1-part soap to 3-parts water. Add approx. 1/4 cup coconut milk. Add 10-20 drops of essential oils, if desired.

Baking Soda: Mix 1-part baking soda with 4-parts water, until it forms a paste. Scrub into hair and rinse out.

*With all conditioners, focus mainly on the ends of hair and not the scalp to avoid build up at the roots.

Shea or Cocoa Butter: Ideal for dry hair, shea or cocoa butter works as a natural deep conditioner. Use before or after you wash your hair. Rinse out thoroughly.

Carrier Oils: Base oils, such as coconut, argon, macaron, jojoba or olive oil, are great DIY replacement for conditioners. Apply to the ends of your hair after shampooing. Rinse out or leave-in for dryer hair types.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Fill spray bottle with apple cider vinegar and spray on ends of hair to help moisturize hair and balance the pH level. Thoroughly rinse.

Hair Masks
Honey + Cinnamon – This combo serves as a natural hair lightener. Mix 1-part honey with 4-parts water and add a dash of cinnamon. Leave in hair for approx. 20 minutes then wash out with soap and water.


Sugar Exfoliator: Mix white granulated sugar with a carrier oil for a natural body exfoliator. Scrub on body, then wash off in shower with soap and water.

Espresso Exfoliator: Dried, used coffee grounds make an excellent body scrub, as they are packed with antioxidants. Wash off in the shower with soap and water.

Facial Care
Castile Soap: Use 1-2 drops of castile soap as facewash to remove dirt and clean pores. Rinse with water.

Carrier Oils: A lighter oil, such as jojoba oil or olive oil, won’t clog pores and works great as a facewash. Apple a 1-3 drops to skin and rinse with water.

Honey: Mix 1-part honey with 4-parts water. Add a 1-3 drops of carrier oil, if desired. Apply to face then rinse with water.

*Note: For some people, adding essential oils to facial products can cause skin irritation.

Published On: May 19th, 2020

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