Locally Sourced. Fresh Choices.

Market Florist

Market Florist

A bouquet of freshly cut flowers has the power to lift a mood. A potted plant can instantly enliven a room. A beautifully arranged centerpiece makes the occasion special. And an enthusiastic florist ensures you get exactly what you’re looking for every time. Whether it’s an artfully designed floral arrangement for a friend, or a money tree for your office desk, at your Market Floral Shop, we take pride in being part of your birthdays, graduations, weddings, holidays, and ordinary every days. Our floral department is always blooming with the freshest, bee-friendly and often locally sourced flowers, potted plants, and—when the season permits—vegetable starts and herbs for your home garden. Making life a little bit brighter is at the root of who we are. So, stop by and see what’s in season now at your Market Floral Shop.

  • Locally Sourced
  • Fresh-cut Flowers
  • Artistic Arrangements
  • Beautiful Bouquets
  • Custom Designs
  • Centerpieces
  • Green Plants
  • Blooming Plants
  • Orchid & Terrariums
  • Air Plants & Succulents
  • Greeting Cards & Gifts

Partner Stories

Oregon Flowers

Oregon Flowers – Aurora

To the Meskers family, the rows of glimmering state-of-the-art greenhouses harboring endless varieties of blossoms under Oregon sunshine are the realization of a dream come true. “Both my mom and dad came from the tulip fields of Holland,” says Tyler Meskers, Vice President and COO of Oregon Flowers in Aurora, Oregon. “It’s the story of the American Dream.” Martin and Helene Meskers arrived in Oregon in 1979. It wasn’t long before they asked siblings and parents to send over some tulip bulbs to help start their business. The Meskers launched Oregon Flowers, “Flowers grown with a Dutch touch,” in 1985 and customers loved their blossoms. Even today, Martin and Helene are still a big part of the company. “They live and breathe this place,” Tyler says. During breaks, it’s not unusual to see Martin kicking a soccer ball around with his grandchildren in the greenhouses.
To the Meskers family, the rows of glimmering state-of-the-art greenhouses harboring endless varieties of blossoms under Oregon sunshine are the realization of a dream come true.
Peoria Gardens

Peoria Gardens - Albany

Peoria Gardens in Albany, Oregon, has been growing quality greenhouse plants since 1982. This family-owned nursery sprouted in the backyard of current president and owner Ben Verhoeven’s father and has since grown to nine acres. Hear how Peoria Gardens is committed to its environmental responsibility and learn about the company’s diverse range of 14,000 wholesale items, many of which can be found at your Market of Choice Floral Shop, from annual and perennial herbs to mixed baskets and seasonal floral favorites. Pick up an assortment of Peoria Gardens plants and watch them flourish at home, in your own backyard.
Peoria Gardens in Albany, Oregon, has been growing quality greenhouse plants since 1982. This family-owned nursery sprouted in the backyard of current president and owner Ben Verhoeven’s father and has since grown to nine acres.

We’re Hiring!

Looking for your first job, a new job, or a way to advance your career? We have open positions at several of our Markets, and we’re always seeking new talent.

Florist Open Positions