Get Juicing


Fresh-made juices are a wonderful and appetizing way to enjoy fruits and vegetables. We recommend using an Omega juicer but any juicer with low RPMs will help retain nutrients. For better taste, we recommend chilling produce before juicing.

1 cucumber, peeled and quartered
4 oz coconut water
1 celery stalk
1 lemon, peeled
1/4 t sea salt

2 T aloe vera
1 apple, cored and cut
1 cucumber, peeled and quartered
4 oz coconut water

Master Cleanse
purified water
1 lemon, peeled

Starting Line
3 carrots
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and cut
1 oz ginger

Wash, peel and cut produce to desired size then follow juicing instructions provided by manufacturer. Juice will be ready to drink immediately.


These tasty, easy-to-make smoothies are sure to refresh and reenergize. Vitamix Blenders are recommended but any high-speed blender will work.

Serves: 1
Total time: 5 min

Cold Buster
2 c frozen pineapple
1/2 c baby spinach
1 c orange Juice

Citrus Berry
2 c frozen strawberries
1/2 c vanilla Greek yogurt
1 c orange juice

Add all ingredients in a high-speed blender, place lid on and start blending from low to high. Continue blending and use a tamper to break up air pockets that may form. Pour the frosty drink into a serving cup and garnish with fresh pineapple, if possible. Colorful umbrella optional!

Published On: February 1st, 2021

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