Zero-Proof Recipes
- Hibisbloom: Hibiscus Apple Cider Lemonade
This is the perfect winter lemonade that can be enjoyed cold or hot.
- For Bitter For Worse: Clyde’s Brother’s World Famous Eggnog
The eggnog base is inspired by Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s recipe from Clyde Common, Portland. It’s creamy, yet lighter than you might expect, and very easy. Any leftovers make amazing French toast!
- Into The Wild (Zero Proof)
This Zero Proof cocktail takes citrus refreshment to another level, thanks to Som Cordial Tangerine Sea Salt and a splash of Elderflower tonic. Yum!
- Grove’n (Zero Proof)
Our Zero Proof Grove’n tastes and refreshes much like a gin and tonic, without the gin!
- Cascadia Spritz (Zero Proof)
Ghia’s signature bitter aperitivo spritz and Casamara Club Alta are served shaken and chilled for a refreshing drink.
- Casa Ghia (Zero Proof)
This Zero Proof cocktail is a perfect choice for fall celebrations, thanks to fresh apple cider mixed right in.