Harkening way back to early Greeks and Romans, the combination of wine mixed with fruit, sugar and spices has endured over time for a reason. Typically known for its Spanish origins, Sangria is extremely adaptable – you can make it over and over again and never drink the same Sangria twice.

Especially enjoyed in summer, Sangria can be made with any wine you might have on hand but is traditionally made with a Spanish white or red. Although, Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio and sparkling wines work well, too. Really, anything goes!

In-season fruits, a sweetener of your choice, and brandy or vermouth are also must-have ingredients, says Hilary, our Belmont Market Beverage Steward. Sliced limes, lemons, chopped apples, cubed or balled melons, and thinly sliced stone fruits, such as peaches or nectarines, are all excellent choices.

Sangria Step-by-Step (Serves 6)

Step 1: In a large pitcher, add approx. 4-6 c of fresh, in-season fruits, along with ¼ c of brandy or vermouth.

Step 2: Add your choice of sweetener, such as ¼ c sugar or an equivalent of your choice, such as simple syrup, agave or honey. 

Step 3: Add one 750 ml bottle of chilled wine. Taste and adjust flavors, as needed, adding more sweetener and/or fruit. Stir to combine.

Step 4: To serve, add ice or frozen berries and stir. Fresh mint can also be added during this step.

Step 5: Pour and enjoy!

Published On: July 9th, 2020

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